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De Lucy

De Lucy

School Closures

The school will only close if it is absolutely essential.

If this happens, the following methods of communication will be used:

  • Messages will be sent to parents via School Comms
  • OpenCheck will be updated www.opencheck.atomwide.com a message will be left on our website (link)
  • A message will be posted on Twitter @DePrimary
  • Our Facebook page will be updated
  • For parents without access to the internet, the status of the school can be checked by calling 020 8408 7508 and keying in the school DFE code: 203/2813

 Page checked for content 7th January 2022



We use Schoolcomms to communicate with you. Please download and register with the Schoolgateway app to enable us to do this for free. Schoolcomms (Parents menu tab)