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De Lucy

De Lucy

Dear parents and carers,


A polite reminder that children in Years 1-6 return to school a week today on Wednesday 4th September at 8.50am. Whilst staff are in school on Monday and Tuesday they will be taking part in training for large sections of the days. If you have any questions or queries regarding the new term, please email info@delucy.greenwich.sch.uk and a member of staff will respond to you as soon as possible.


You can find our term dates on our website: TERM DATES 


Children will enter through the following gates:

Reception gate: Year 1

Back gate: Year 2, 3 & 4

KS2 gate: Years 5 & 6


The gates are the same as last year.


PE lessons start in the second week of term. Please look out for an email from Miss Carnaby about this later this week.


Kind regards,


Mrs Lodge





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