Dear parents and carers,
Welcome back to school and the start of autumn term 2024. I hope you and all your family have had an enjoyable summer break and managed to have some time together to relax and recharge.
Although the last few weeks of the summer break did offer us some warm sunny days to enjoy, there were also some very unpleasant and disturbing events that recently occurred. The incident in Southport was unbelievably shocking and our thoughts are with those who have suffered such tragic loss. The anti-social behaviour that erupted in several areas around our country was immensely troubling, divisive and highly challenging. These events have been disturbing, potentially causing anxiety and alienation for many. However shocking these incidents have been, we cannot allow them to be representative of who we are; they are rare events and do not and cannot be considered to form part of our regular way of being.
Our whole school community is exactly that; a community for all. A community where everyone is valued and cared for, whoever they are and wherever they are from. Our school ethos prioritises the safety and care of our children, offering a secure environment in which to learn, grow and thrive. We continue to promote our shared values ensuring site safety, showing understanding and kindness to all. Your support in these areas, is highly valued and very much appreciated. Our words and actions define us and we ask that you continue to promote and uphold the ethos and safety of our site by respecting our safety protocols, for example signing in when visiting and closing doors and gates behind you to ensure there is only authorised access to the site at all times.
We look forward to welcoming you all on your return to school. Our staff will be on the gates to meet and greet both parents and children as you arrive. Everyone is looking forward to sharing their news and highlights from the summer break. Understandably, the incidents over the summer may well have unsettled some and even given cause for some anxiety. Please do speak to any member of staff if you have any concerns or questions at all.
Our admin team are also very knowledgeable and helpful; please do give them a call if you have any queries or concerns. Should you wish to speak to a member of staff, please just contact the office; they will pass on any messages and, if required, help to arrange an appointment.
We look forward to welcoming $Forename$ back to school! Our school year starts for Year 1 - 6 tomorrow and next week for Nursery and Reception. Through conversations with staff over the last two days we thought it would be useful to send a few reminders about certain things ahead of the new term.
We understand that on the first day of term there will be a mix of emotions. Some children will be trying to sprint through the gates to see their friends and there will no doubt be a few tears as well. Everyone has been off school a long time and the return is a big change in the routine.
Gates will be opened at 8.50am tomorrow for Years 1 - 6, with the aim that everyone has come through them by 8.55am.
Year 1 will enter through the Reception and Year 1 gate
Years 2, 3 & 4 will enter through the back gate
Years 5 & 6 will enter through the top gate on the KS2 playground.
Dismissal will be through the same gates from the playgrounds/outside areas.
We will start dismissal a little earlier this week as it takes a little longer at the start of term whilst staff get used to dismissing to new families. Please be patient as it is important that we ensure that the right children go home with the right adult!
Late arrivals and late collections
As per the email sent home about updated attendance procedures last week, if you arrive late with your child, you will need to bring them up to the main office and complete a late slip. The same process will be in place at the end of the day for late collection as well. Please help your child and staff by arriving on time.
Walking home alone and mobile phone
We will only allow children in Year 5 and Year 6 to walk home alone if parents completed the permission form which was sent home at the end of term. We need new permission each year. We do not allow children in Year 5 & 6 to collect siblings. Children should only have phones in school if they are walking home alone and permission has been given via the online form previously sent home. We will send this home again this afternoon and will be closing the form at 9am tomorrow so that lists can be printed for class during the day.
Cookhill Road - restricted access
A polite reminder that Cookhill Road has signage which operates between 8-9.30am and 3-4pm stating that vehicles are not to drive down Cookhill Road during those times. Please adhere to this.
Feeding all - FREE school meals for all
The Mayor of London announced the continuation of free school meals for all children in London. As a school, we 'feed all', which means that all children have a school meal. Packed lunches should not be coming into school unless this has been agreed in advance due to medical reasons.
Marvellous Me
We have rolled over our Marvellous Me for the new school year. so please ensure that you are logged in on the app and have enabled notifications so that you can start to receive good news about your child's day. Joining codes have been printed for new children or for any families who did not sign up last year. We are aiming to have 100% of parents on by half term. If you need any further information you can visit our website Marvellous Me or ask a member of staff. If you have having an difficulties logging in, please let a member of staff know.
Birthday treats
As we are a 'healthy school', we ask that parents do not send in treats for their child's birthday to be shared with the class. This approach also removes the pressures that children can put on parents to want to do this as well.
PLEASE put your child's name in their jumpers and coats etc, so that uniform does not get lost. I have asked staff to name any jumpers etc that are removed if they are not named so that families are not wasting money through lost items, and staff are not spending time looking for coats etc without names in.
Kind regards,
Mrs Lodge and the De Lucy Team