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De Lucy

De Lucy

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As part of our celebration of Black History Month 2024, we are excited to host Culture Week from October 14th to 18th, dedicated to celebrating the incredible diversity within our school community.

Cuisine Around the World – Wednesday, October 16th

On Wednesday 16th October, we will be holding a special event: "Cuisine Around the World", giving staff and pupils a chance to taste foods from different cultures around the world or special family recipes. We invite parents and guardians to participate by preparing and sharing dishes from your culture or family’s traditional recipes - we ask that no nuts are used and that ingredients are displayed.

  • Date: Wednesday 16th October 2024

  • Time: 3:20 PM – 3:45 PM (After School)

  • Location: School Playgrounds

Children will be dismissed at the usual time, and you may take them directly to the stalls to enjoy the event.

If you’d like to contribute a dish (preferably a snack/something easy that can be easily eaten in bitesize!), please complete this survey by October 9th: https://forms.gle/hGFrUNevy5E44aYu7

Traditional Wear/ Show Racism the Red Card Day – Friday, October 18th

Additionally, on Friday, October 18th, in conjunction with Show Racism the Red Card Day, children are invited to come to school wearing either their traditional cultural attire or dressed in red to support the fight against racism. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone in our school community to showcase their heritage and join together for an important cause.

We are looking forward to a week filled with cultural pride, learning, and unity. Thank you in advance for your participation and support in making this event a meaningful experience for our pupils.

Best wishes,
 Ms Maudhoo
 Teacher & History and Geography Lead



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